Monthly Archives: January 2012

December 28th 2011

The unveiling of the Phylicia Simone Barnes Foundation, Inc., was a great success and we are very excited about the future of our organization!

We would like to thank our speakers for the evening, Victoria Kent(Baltimore Guardian Angels), Don Rondeau(TSSI, Inc.), and Peter O’Neal(ABC2 News). We would also like to thank everyone that came out to show their support for Phylicia and all missing persons. There were many police officers and other officials who were in attendance to show their support, we thank them for all the work that they are doing to bring justice for Phylicia and her family. The continuous support from the community, and the family and friends of Phylicia is astounding.

A special thank-you goes to  Brown’s Memorial Baptist Church of Baltimore MD, and Rev. LaRondi Flowers for opening up their doors to us once again so that we may have a place to gather.

May our continuous efforts bring about a change in the community, law enforcement and government! Awareness is the key!